Trees 2

Another blog about trees.

In an earlier blog we already explained how trees are handled in Sweden.

Wood is the material used to build most houses here. After a period in the sixties and the seventies, in which it became modern to build houses made of stone, people soon discovered that wooden houses really have a much better indoor climate than houses made of stone. Moreover, wooden houses are more resistant to the Swedish climate. So now, new houses are being built of wood again, but, everyone wants a bíg house these days.

In recent years, wood has even been used for apartment buildings. Wood construction is thought to be better for the environment.
The idea here is that forests are meant for wood, and there are also rules for that. A forest must be cut down after a growth period of 70 to 80 years (almost a human life span) and processed into wood.

This is happening with increasingly larger and increasingly efficient machines. In 1 minute, such a machine cuts the tree, lifts it up and strips off all the branches in one movement. The tree doesn’t even have time to die peacefully. It is stripped alive.
The result looks gruesome.

Trees are living beings too, we believe, and they should be treated with respect.